The GlamKid Contest – India – May 2020

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  1. You would need to fill the following form in this LINK Or send us the following to :
    • Photo of your Glam Kid
    • Your Location
    • You can also send a small introduction of the baby which is not compulsory but usually a good caption has a better influence
  2.  Last date of accepting the entries is 25th of May 2020. But we would start uploading the photos as soon as possible. So, earlier you send the photo, higher would be the chance of winning.
  3. We would close the voting by 30th of May and the list of finalists would be declared on 1st June. The finalists would need to share a video of any performance in the talent round. There may also be a Theme Photo Round.
  4. Videos for the talent round would be needed to be shared by 5th of June.
  5. The Final winner will be announced on 10th of June.
  6. The winners would be chosen on the basis of social media engagement and the judgement of our team.
  7. Following is the criteria for social Media voting :
    • 1 Point for every facebook Vote.
    • 2 Points for every Instagram Vote.
    • Comments would not carry any weight-age but would be considered in case of a tie. And, comments also help in getting more visibility. So, ultimately if your post have more comments, it will reach more people.
  8.  Voting process will decide the top 10 finalists. And then there will be a talent round in which the finalists will have to share a video supporting their talent. Then our jury panel will decide the winners. The Head of jury panel will be from the entertainment industry. The judge for the January Event was Mr. Naren, a casting director from Mumbai.
  9. The decision of judges would be supreme and we will not entertain any arguments. Any one questioning the decision will straightaway be disqualified.
  10. Once the winners are announced, the award vouchers would be emailed with in 7 working days.
  11. The terms and conditions of the awards will be totally under the discretion of the sponsor. We will not have any role in that.


  • First Prize

    Gift Voucher worth Rupees 2000 by Photoonist + Star Membership worth Rs 5000 by + A Toy Gift Hamper (Selected Cities in India)

  • Second Prize

    Gift Voucher worth Rupees 1000 by Photoonist + Glamkids Star Membership for 1 year worth Rs. 5000

  • 2 Third Prizes

    Glamkids Pro Membership for 1 year worth Rs. 3500 to 2 winners + 1 Photoon Voucher from from Photoonist

  • 10 Fourth Prizes

    Glamkids Basic Membership worth Rs. 1500 to 10 winners + 50% Off Voucher on selected Photoonist Services


Q. What is the judgement criteria in the talent round? How can Kids of different age compete?

Ans :

The Intent of the talent round is that we get the winner who could be the face of the contest, basically someone who is Industry-Ready. We would be considering How ready is the Child for casting.. For example, if a child is playful and active at 9 Months. He/she would a much more chance to win than a 6-7 year old who is ordinary and shy. Our jury would be headed by someone from the entertainment industry who would have enough experience to judge that. In our January 2020 contest, the judge was Mr. Naren Bansal, a casting director from Mumbai who have done casting in various TVCs, print Ads, Serials etc.

We’ll try t0 make sure the best candidate wins. If a child is not good enough for casting but has gathered a lot votes through parent’s contacts can not be the face of the Contest. In that case it becomes just another “cutest baby contest” which we do not want.

Q. What if we are not satisfied with the judgement?

Ans :

The decision of the judge would be final and we would not entertain any arguments.

Being parents, your own child would certainly be your favorite and it is natural to be disappointed if the judgement is not as per your expectations. But the world is all about competition and we have to accept it. We would make sure that the Head of the jury panel would be experienced enough to give the best possible judgement. We as an organizing team also will not have any say in the final judgement and even we may be dissatisfied because we may develop a personal favorite as the competition progresses. In our previous contest, we even honored few contestants who looked promising but the number of votes were less by awarding them along with the contestants who had got many votes.

Arguments will also lead to disqualification and we will revoke the membership from our platform if the award has already been given.