Most of you are curious to know about the entire audition. Isn’t it? We are glad to explain it to you in detail. As usual buckle up yourself for reading mode.
We are excited to announce that the Fashion Runway is presenting Junior Model International India. It is for the toddlers to teens. Fashion Runway was started in the year 2006, by Mr. Arun Ratna- Pageant Coaching and Choreography for International Pageants.
He is the man behind this wondorous event. This is going to serve as a great opportunity to all the kids’ out there. Showcasing their talents infront of thousands of people at such an early age is highly remarkable. We couldn’t be more happier.
Glamkids being an emerging online platform to display the kids’ talent is super excited to take the auditions here at Bengaluru. As you all know, recently we have had our first Glam-kid Contest. It was a great contest. We received immense responses from all of the audiences and parents. We have all lined up with more creative stuffs in future days. Let the thirst of curiosity begin 🙂
We would like to just brief you about the Junior International Model. Firstly, it is a tremendous event. We assure you that. We have put up a gist of it on our facebook page. You can go through it. And we bet, your mind will get blown away.
- In the span of 5 years, Fashion Runway extended its magic in the Junior International Model in 30 countries and Miss Super Globe in 40 countries.
- The 4th edition Indian Finale of Junior Model International and Miss Super Globe was held at Calicut and the world finale was held at Dubai.
- Junior Model International had participants from 15 countries with a total of 52 participants.
- The 5th season of Junior Model International (Children’s Festival of Art, Charity, Fashion & Talent)is going to be an excellent platform, where children can exhibit all of their talent & style.
- The Indian Finale will be conducted in Cochin. The Indian finale will be happening from 23rd April to 25th April 2020 at Cochin.
For this event to happen, we are taking auditions here at Bengaluru on March 7th, 2020 at Parul and Ankur Photography Studio. The details of the venue will be displayed on our page or you can google the location. Keep an eye on it. One should pre- register for this audition by paying 500 INR.
Steps for registering for Bengaluru Auditions:
- You would need to fill this online form
- Once, you fill the form, you would get an online payment link.
- Once the payment is completed, you would get an email with an audition ticket which would also contain a time slot as per your preference.
- You would need to report at the auditions venue on 7th March at least 15 mins before the designated time slot to complete the formalities. Following are the things you would need to carry:
- Kids’ ID proof.
- One passport size photo
- Please make sure that the child is well dressed and groomed. There won’t be any provision for dress change at the venue.
- There would be a 1 minute talent round. If any music is required, please bring a flash drive. We would not be able to connect to your phone.
- You would also need to prepare the kid for a small introduction.
Terms and Conditions:
Glamkids.in is solely responsible only for the Bengaluru Auditions. And rest all of the steps are taken forward by the Fashion Runway presenting Junior International Model. Once the auditions are completed, Glamkids team will not have any say in the issues and disputes related to finale and they would be taken care by the fashion runway international team.
Please check their website and facebook page for more details :
India Finale
Once the auditions are done, the selected contestants would need to contact the JMI team and there onwards, everything will be handled by JMI team. Following is the information about the India finale.
The contestants for Junior International Model Finale are grouped into 4 categories as follows:
- Age 4-6 (Toddler Category)
- Age 7-9 (Prince & Princess Category)
- Age 10-14 (Pre-Teen Category)
- Age 15-17 (Teen Category)
Soon after this, the contestants have to go through 3 rounds to make it to the finale. The rounds are as follows:
- Talent Round
- National Costumes Round
- Ball Gowns/ Suits Round (Coronation Round)
The first round is all about Talent. The name itself says that. The kids are supposed to showcase their talents on stage for 2 minutes 30 seconds. It could be a dance, a magic show, dancing, singing and the list goes on…
Three titles are being awarded for the kids in each category, irrespective of the gender. The titles are mentioned below:
- Best Talent
- Super Talent
- Extreme Talent
Fees for the India Finale :
- An amount of 15,000 INR will be charged from each of the finalists as a fee for the 2 days grooming session.
Important note to the parents: You should carry CD’s or flash drives for the music purpose. Connecting mobile phones are strictly prohibited.
The second round is all about the costumes. The participants will have to present themselves in their national costumes. Since the participants will have a chance to participate in the world finale representing our country India. To add the flavours of our nativity the participants must wear costumes accordingly. Representing India would be a great thing after all 🙂
And the third and last round is about the Coronation Round- which is also about getting crowned. There are certain things which need to be followed for the attire. Just make sure you follow the steps 🙂
For Girls:
- 4-6 Category- Ball Gowns
- 7-9 Category- Ball Gowns
- 10-14 Category- Ball Gowns
- 15-17 Category- Evening Gowns
For Boys:
Suits for all the categories.
This is all about the competition. Wait. This isn’t over yet. The perks of winning the Junior Model International Finale are as follows:
- 12 winners from the Indian finals will represent India for JUNIOR MODEL INTERNATIONAL 2020 World Finale.
- 6 winners will be eligible to represent India FOR TALENT STAR INTERNATIONAL.
- 6 winners will be eligible to represent India for PRINCE & PRINCESS INTERNATIONAL (THAILAND).
- 6 Winners will be eligible to represent India for PRINCE & PRINCESS WORLDWIDE (Bulgaria)
Things to carry:
- Age proof.
- One National Costume.
- One Talent Round Costume.
- One Ball Gown/Evening Gown (as per category for girls) /
Suit (For Boys)
- Music for talent round (Music should either be in Cd’s or USB/Flash drives. Connecting the phones is strictly prohibited).
- Coloured T-Shirt & Shorts for Grooming sessions.
- Each kid should bring small gifts (10 no’s) to exchange with their fellow participants.
- All finalists should carry coloured plain T-shirt (with/without collar) and blue denim shorts
Compulsorily for Grooming sessions on 23rd and 24th April 2020. T-Shirt colour codes for each category are as follows:
- 4- 6 (Yellow T-Shirt)
- 7- 9 (Cherry Red T-Shirt)
- 10- 14 (Dark Green T-Shirt)
- 15- 17 (Navy Blue T-Shirt.
Rules and Regulations:
- The contestants are required to report to the venue by 10.00 AM on 23rd April 2020. The venue will be announced shortly.
- Strictly adhere to the timings given in the schedule.
- Ensure that all the required items given in the list are bought.
- Parents are expected to take care of their own food and accommodations.
- The contestants and parents have to strictly adhere the rules and regulations.
- Any misbehaviour from the part of any contestants or parents will be considered seriously and will lead to direct disqualification of the contestant.
- Any conflicts between the parents are not entertained. And in such matters, the settlement of such disputes will be done by the organizers.
- The decisions of the jury and the organizers are final and binding.
For any queries, contact us in prior.
Hurry up! Limited slots only.
Pre-register now!